Black History Exhibit

Start Date
September 1, 2021
Athens Art Museum, Greece

The museum’s commitment to engaging and educational experiences ensures that visitors can explore Bedford’s fascinating past, including its Native American heritage.

African Americans played a significant role in shaping the history of Bedford County.

African Americans played a significant role in shaping the history of Bedford County. This exhibit showcases some of those contributors to our history, including artifacts from Susie G. Gibson and the high school named after her, as well as items from Dr. Pogue, a local Black doctor who served his community with pride.

In addition, the Black History exhibit features local veterans who fought for this nation from World War I to Vietnam. Visitors will also find artifacts and images of local African Americans who continue to make history today.

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This brown stone jug was found in a slave cabin on the property of Henry Clay Lowry (1839-1917), presently Brunmore Acres on Link Road. Lowry’s family owned 12,000 acres in Bedford County and operated five plantations throughout the county from the village of Lowry to the Peaks of Otter. All plantations went broke shortly after the War Between the States. 1860 Slave schedules showed 149 slaves owned by the Lowry family.

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Shown for the first time in the United States, this comprehensive collection of ukiyo-e paintings brings the “floating world” and its metropolitan amusements to life.

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Museum Hours

9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

Museum Location

2270 S Real Camino Lake California

The Loquet Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable
solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture.